A lot happened in 2015, and now is the time of year we reflect on past events and plan for what’s to come! Here is a countdown of the top seven Voxus PR blog posts—the most clicked, shared and read blog posts from our talented team.

(7) 5 new PR tools that crush it

Seventh place goes to a roundup of up-and-coming PR-tech tools. Our Product Hunt enthusiast takes a tour of the top PR tools making waves in PR tech right now.

(6) A journalist complains about a PR pitch, volume 5150

The sixth spot goes to a passionately written post about one journalist sacrificing a good PR pitch to complain about a grammatical mistake. The post argues that “journalists publicly accosting flacks for bad pitches has officially jumped the shark.”

(5) If data is king, Excel is a PR pro’s best friend

A PR pro’s basic 101 course on what you need to know to make the most of Excel. In the post, we discuss how Excel is a calculator replacement, and features like sort/filter, text to columns, pivot tables, creating graphs and charts, and conditional formatting.

(4) It’s time for PR and marketing to converge

Two trains, named PR and Marketing, are traveling toward each other at different speeds. When and where do they meet? For many, it may seem like PR and Marketing have been on track to converge for a long time. In this blog post we take a look at what that might look like and how to move forward for the benefit of PR programs everywhere.

(3) Google gives away million-dollar Material Design guide

Need a million-dollar material design guide but don’t have a million dollars? Google is giving it away for free. The design guide covers the design principles needed to create user-friendly desktop, tablet and phone screens.

(2) 7 new social media tools that sizzle

This co-authored post earns its spot as the second most read, shared and clicked blog post. It covers seven social media tools that rock and make a social media manager’s day easier.

(1) Facebook’s new videos tab calls for ‘The Carlton’

Last, but surely not least, is the top post of 2015! Facebook released its new Video Insights tab in Facebook Insights in 2015, making it much easier to report and analyze video metrics such as:

  • Total views
  • 30-second views
  • Differentiation between organic vs. paid, click-to-play vs. auto-play and unique views vs. repeats.

We were so happy when we heard of this announcement, it had us doing The Carlton!